Project Description
NGL 2300 & Fractionation Unit
Amirkabir Petrochemical Company
Amirkabir Petrochemical Company
Khozestan, Mahshahr, Iran

To construct an NGL extraction plant, NGL-2300, in Marun-Khami and C2+ fractionation facilities at the AmirKabir Petrochemical Complex. The aim is to optimize ethane recovery from the rich gases of Marun Khami, totaling 265 MMSCFD. The process will produce ethane and C3+ through fractionation at the new facilities, which will be delivered to downstream units within the AmirKabir Petrochemical Complex.
Project Components
1. Inlet Compression (Unit-100)
- Compresses the incoming rich gas to the required pressure.
2. Gas Sweetening (Unit-200)
- Removes acidic components (H₂S and CO₂) from the gas stream.
3. Inlet Gas Dehydration (Unit-300)
- Removes water vapor to prevent hydrate formation and corrosion.
- Heavy Metal Removal (Unit-300)
4. NGL Extraction (Unit-400)
- Extracts natural gas liquids (NGL) from the processed gas.
5. C2+ Mercaptan Removal (Unit-500)
- Removes mercaptans and other sulfur compounds from the C2+ stream.
6. C2+ Offspec Storage & Transfer Pumps (Unit-600)
- Stores and transfers off-specification C2+ products.
7. Acid Gas Disposal & Regeneration Gas Compression (Unit-650)
- Manages the disposal of acid gases and compresses regeneration gas.
8. Residue Gas Compression (Unit-700)
- Compresses the residue gas after NGL extraction for further use or disposal.
9. Propane Refrigeration (Unit-750)
- Provides refrigeration for the gas processing units.
10. Utility / Offsite (Units-800~920)
- Supports infrastructure including water, power, and other utilities.
11. C2+ Fractionation (Unit-950)
- Separates the C2+ stream into individual components (ethane, propane, etc.).
Project Collaboration
- Joint Venture Partner: Sazeh Consultant