Project Description
South Pars Gas Field Development Project Phase 17 & 18

The IDRO/OIEC/IOEC Consortium has been contracted by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) to execute the EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning) for the South Pars Phases 17&18 project. This comprehensive project includes offshore facilities, platforms, undersea pipelines, and onshore facilities for processing reservoir fluids.
Key Participants:
- IDRO/OIEC/IOEC Consortium: Main contractor for EPCC.
- Worley Parson Pty Ltd: Basic Engineering and FEED for onshore facilities.
- Tehran Raymand Consulting Engineers: Detailed Design of onshore facility units for South Pars Phases 17&18, contracted by Petro Negin Jonoob (PNJC).
Project Capacity
- Total Capacity: 2000 MMSCFD of reservoir fluid for onshore facilities in South Pars Phases 17&18.
- Output: Production of sales gas and stabilized condensate.
Tehran Raymand’s Scope of Work
Tehran Raymand Consulting Engineers’ responsibilities under the contract with PNJC include the following units:
Processing Units:
- U108-1/2/3/4: Sulfur Recovery
- U109: Sour Water Stripping
- U144: Sulfur Storage and Solidification
Utility and Support Units:
- U122: Fuel Gas Drums
- U126: Sea Water Desalination
- U127/U128: Water Treatment Area
- U131: Emergency Load Generation
- U131/U146: Diesel/Chemical Storage
- U132: Cooling Water
- U141: Utilities and Offsite Drains
Storage and Export Units:
- U145: Propane Refrigerant Storage
- U146: Methanol Storage
- U147: Propane Storage & Export/Refrigeration and LPG Flare
- U148: Butane Storage and Export/Refrigeration
Safety and Flare Units:
- U140/U142: Flare and Blowdown Drum
- U142: Burn Pit (Off Plot)
- U140: Offsite Flare Stack and Burn Pit
Infrastructure Units:
- Main Central and Interconnecting Pipe Rack
- Main Substation and Switchyard
- Sea Water Intake Substation
Miscellaneous Units:
- U176: SP/SS /104
- U176: SP/SS /107 and ITR-9
- U176: SP/SS/110 and ITR-1
Project Objectives
The primary objectives of this project are to update the FEED, conduct general engineering activities, perform detailed engineering design, and provide engineering procurement services for the specified units and areas.