Project Description
Changouleh Oil Field Development (Early Production)
Dana Oil and Gas Company
Petroleum Engineering & Development Company (PEDEC)
Ilam, Iran

Changuleh Field Early Production Project
As part of the policy for early production from the Changuleh Field, situated in the Zagros foreland basin along the Iran/Iraq border, the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) has devised plans to establish a new production unit with a normal operating/design capacity of 15,000/16,500 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).
Project Overview
- Early Production: During the early production stage, crude oil will be transported to the Dehloran facility via an export pipeline.
- Production Capacity: The project aims to achieve a daily production rate of 15,000 BOPD from two existing wells and four new wells.
- Oil Transport: The produced oil will be conveyed to the Dehloran Oil Facilities through a pump station and a 95 km export pipeline.
Project Scope
The overall scope involves the establishment of minimal facilities and the development of existing facilities (separators) to facilitate the early production of heavy crude.
Facilities at Changuleh Field
- Wellhead Facilities
- 8-inch Flow Lines
- 3 Phase Separator
- Storage Tank
- Crude Oil Pump Station
- Export Pipeline
- Pig Traps
- Flare and Burn Pit Package
- Utilities